This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive

Saturday 13th October 2007

This Week In Doctor Who B - October 13, 2007
(posted 13th Oct 2007, 10:27am - TWIDW post #0591)
October 13, 2007 - Vol 10, No 41
The weekly guide to Doctor Who boadcasts worldwide.
by Benjamin F. Elliott
Next week's column will go out on Friday the 19th. It will return to
Saturday on the 27th.
Section B - The US Public TV stations:
Some schedule changes are coming to stations. Various stations are
resting the New Series now or in the upcoming weeks. With 13 episodes
and 4 cycles through the show allowed, it comes to 52 weeks (when 1
episode airs per week). The contract has the episodes available for
104 weeks (2 years), so at some point stations will rest the show or
their rights will be used up early. It's not fun when a station takes
the show off the schedule, but it's a safe bet Doctor Who will return
down the road so the station can get the most value for the rights
they bought.
As of this writing, 45 stations are known to have bought the 2005
series of Doctor Who (the 13 Christopher Eccleston episodes). The
episodes are airing as broadcast in the UK, with no content cuts* and
including next time trailers and uncrushed closing credits. Many of
the public TV stations have also gotten the Cut Down versions of
Doctor Who Confidential Series 1 (as seen on the DVD set). Stations
have the right to cycle through these episodes 4 times before
February 28, 2009.
*bar dialogue accidentally omitted from the NTSC broadcast master of
The Empty Child.
If you are happy that your station is airing Doctor Who, write them a
letter or send them an e-mail. (Maybe even keep an eye out for a
pledge drive.)
If Series 2 and 3 become available to public TV stations, it will be after the episodes have aired on SciFi and BBC America. There is no public verifiable information about such episodes becoming available at this time.
4 Public TV stations currently have rights to air the classic Doctor Who run (1963-1989). Iowa Public TV is currently airing both the new series and Tom Baker episodes. KBTC 28 Tacoma, WA, Maryland Public TV, and WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH are airing Tom Baker episodes while resting the new series.
The stations:
NHPTV New Hampshire - Saturdays 11PM
WXXI 21 Rochester, NY - Saturdays 11PM
WLIW 21 Long Island, NY - not on schedule, 3 cycles remain before contract expires
WSKG/WSKA 46,30 Binghamton/Elmira, NY - not on schedule, 3 cycles remain before contract expires
WQLN 54 Erie, PA - not on schedule, 2 cycles remain before contract expires
WLVT 39 Bethlehem, PA - Late Saturdays Midnight, 2 episodes, last run of current contract
Maryland Public TV - not on schedule, Classic Who airs Late Saturdays Midnight
UNC North Carolina - Saturdays 11PM, Late Sundays 3:01AM (ends 3/4 November), 2 cycles will remain
Georgia Public Broadcasting - not on schedule, 3 cycles remain before contract expires
WJCT 7 Jacksonville, FL - Saturdays 11PM
WUFT 5 Gainesville, FL - Sundays 7PM
WEDU 3 Tampa, FL - Saturdays 11PM, Sundays 11:30PM
WMFE 24 Orlando, FL - Saturdays 11PM (2 episodes)
WPBT 2 Miami, FL - Saturdays 11PM, Thursdays 11PM
West Virginia Public Broadcasting - Fridays 10PM
WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH - not on schedule, last 2 episodes plus 2
Cycles remain before contract expires (Classic Who Saturdays 10:30PM)
WGVU/WGVK 35,52 Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI - Thursdays 10PM, Late Saturdays 1AM
WTTW 11 Chicago, IL - Sundays 10PM, Saturdays 11:30PM
WTVP 47 Peoria, IL - not on schedule, 3 cycles remain before contract expires
WILL 12 Urbana, IL - Sundays 6PM, Saturdays 10:25PM
WMVS 10 Milwaukee, WI - Saturdays 11PM
Wisconsin Public TV - Saturdays 10PM
Iowa Public TV - Saturdays 11:05PM (Classic Who Late Saturdays 12:05AM)
Louisiana Public Broadcasting - Fridays 10PM
KTWU 11 Topeka, KS - Saturdays 8:30PM
Ozark Public Broadcasting (Missouri) - Saturdays 9:30PM and Midnight
OETA Oklahoma - Fridays 10:25PM
KERA 13 Dallas, TX - not on schedule, 3 Cycles remain before contract expires
KUHT 8 Houston, TX - not on schedule, 3 Cycles remain before contract expires
KLRU 18 Austin, TX}} - Thursdays 10PM, Saturdays 11PM (same week repeats on KLRU-2)
KACV 2 Amarillo, TX - not on schedule, 3 Cycles remain before contract expires
Prairie Public TV North Dakota - Fridays 10PM CDT
South Dakota Public TV - Saturdays 10PM, Sundays 4AM CDT
NET Nebraska - off schedule, 2 episodes left in Cycle 2, 2 additional cycles remain
Rocky Mountain PBS (Colorado) - not on schedule, 3 Cycles remain before contract expires
KUED 7 Salt Lake City, UT - Sundays 4PM
Idaho Public TV - Saturdays 11PM MDT/10PM PDT
KSPS 7 Spokane, WA - Saturdays 11:05PM PDT/12:05AM MDT
KBTC 28 Tacoma, WA - not on schedule, Classic Who airs Saturdays 7PM and Midnight
Oregon Public Broadcasting - Thursdays 11PM and 2AM, Sundays 4AM and 5PM (ends 28 October, 2 Cycles Remain)
Southern Oregon Public TV - Thursdays 10PM
KTEH 54 San Jose, CA - Thursdays 7PM, Saturdays 10PM
KVPT 18 Fresno, CA - Saturdays 11PM
KLCS 58 Los Angeles, CA - not on schedule, 3 Cycles remain before contract expires
KOCE 50 Huntington, CA - Saturdays 11:30PM (2 episodes)
SERIES ONE - 1st Cycle:
WGVU/WGVK Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI
analog 35,52 digital .2
Grand Rapids, MI DirecTV 35
Grand Rapids, MI Dish 35,8716
Late Saturday 1AM EDT 1-02 The End Of The World
Late Saturday 1:45AM EDT DWC 1-02 Aliens
Thursday 10PM,
Late 20 October 1AM EDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead Premiere
Thursday 10:45PM,
Late 20 October 1:45AM EDT DWC 1-03 TARDIS Tales Premiere
25 October 10PM, Late 27 October 1AM EDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
25 October 10:45PM, Late 27 October 1:45AM EDT DWC 1-04 I Get A Side-Kick Out Of You
1 November 10PM, Late 3 November 1AM EDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
1 November 10:45PM, Late 3 November 1:45AM EDT DWC 1-05 Why on Earth?
8 November 10PM, Late 10 November 1AM EST 1-06 Dalek
8 November 10:45PM, Late 10 November 1:45AM EST DWC 1-06 The Daleks
15 November 10PM, Late 17 November 1AM EST 1-07 The Long Game
15 November 10:45PM, Late 17 November 1:45AM EST DWC 1-07 The Dark Side
22 November 10PM, Late 24 November 1AM EST 1-08 Father's Day
22 November 10:45PM, Late 24 November 1:45AM EST DWC 1-08 Time Trouble
29 November 10PM, Late 1 December 1AM EST 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
29 November 10:45PM, Late 1 December 1:45AM EST DWC 1-09 Special Effects
SERIES ONE - 2nd Cycle:
New Hampshire Public TV
analog 11,49,52 digital .2
Boston, MA DirecTV 11,955
Boston, MA Dish 11,8781
Burlington, VT DirecTV 49
Burlington, VT Dish 11,8944
Saturday - pre-empted
20 October 11PM EDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
20 October 11:47PM EDT DWC 1-04 I Get A Side-Kick Out Of You
27 October 11:03PM EDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
27 October 11:47PM EDT DWC 1-05 Why on Earth?
3 November 11:03PM EDT 1-06 Dalek
3 November 11:49PM EDT DWC 1-06 The Daleks
WXXI Rochester, NY
analog 21 digital .4
Rochester DirecTV 21
Rochester Dish 21,7640
Saturday 11PM EDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
20 October 11PM EDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
UNC North Carolina
analog 58,17,30,4,36,33 digital .1
Charlotte DirecTV 58,892
Charlotte Dish 4,8662
Greenville, SC DirecTV 33,892
Greenville, SC Dish 4,8190
Norfolk, VA DirecTV 2
Norfolk, VA Dish 2,7271
Florence, SC DirecTV 31
Florence, SC Dish 31,7845
Greenville, NC DirecTV 25
Greenville, NC Dish 19,7737
Saturday 11PM, Late Sunday 3:02AM EDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
Saturday 11:42PM, Late Sunday 3:44AM EDT DWC 1-10 Weird Science Of Doctor Who

20 October 11PM, Late 21 October 3:02AM EDT 1-11 Boom Town
20 October 11:43PM, Late 21 October 3:45AM EDT DWC 1-11 Unsung Heroes and Violent Death
27 October 11PM, Late 28 October 3:02AM EDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
27 October 11:42PM, Late 28 October 3:44AM EDT DWC 1-12 The World of Who
3 November 11PM, Late 4 November 3:02AM EDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways
3 November 11:45PM, Late 4 November 3:47AM EDT DWC 1-13 The Last Battle
End of the run. UNC has the right to air Series 1 another 2 times before February 28, 2009.
WJCT Jacksonville, FL
analog 7 No digital simulcast.
Jacksonville DirecTV 7
Jacksonville Dish 7,9056
Saturday 11PM EDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
Saturday 11:45PM EDT DWC 1-10 Weird Science Of Doctor Who

20 October 11PM EDT 1-11 Boom Town
20 October 11:45PM EDT DWC 1-11 Unsung Heroes and Violent Death
WUFT Gainesville, FL
analog 5 digital .1
Gainesville Dish 5,7796
Sunday 7PM EDT 1-07 The Long Game
Sunday 7:45PM EDT DWC 1-07 The Dark Side

21 October 7PM EDT 1-08 Father's Day
21 October 7:45PM EDT DWC 1-08 Time Trouble
WEDU Tampa, FL
analog 3 digital .1
Tampa DirecTV 3,884
Tampa Dish 3,8696
Saturday 11PM, Sunday 11:30PM EDT 1-11 Boom Town
Saturday 11:50PM, Late Sunday 12:20AM EDT DWC 1-11 DWCUnseenHeroesAndViolentDeath

20 October 11PM, 21 October 11:30PM EDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
20 October 11:50PM, Late 21 October 12:20AM EDT DWC 1-12 The World of Who
27 October 11PM, 28 October 11:30PM EDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
27 October 11:50PM, Late 28 October 12:20AM EDT DWC 1-13 The Last Battle
WPBT Miami, FL
analog 2 digital .1
Miami DirecTV 2,979
Miami Dish 2,8836
Saturday 11PM, Thursday 11PM EDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
Saturday 11:45PM, Thursday 11:45PM EDT DWC 1-10 Weird Science Of Doctor Who

20 October 11:30PM, 25 October 11?PM EDT 1-11 Boom Town
Late 20 October 12:15AM, 25 October 11:45?PM EDT DWC 1-11 Unsung Heroes and Violent Death
West Virginia Public TV
analog 33,24,42,9
Charleston DirecTV 33
Charleston Dish 33,7321
Clarksburg DirecTV 24
Clarksburg Dish 24,7915
Friday 10:30PM EDT 1-07 The Long Game
26 October 10PM EDT 1-08 Father's Day
WTTW Chicago, IL
analog 11 digital .2
Chicago DirecTV 11,965
Chicago Dish 11,8496
Rockford, IL - cable station only
Saturday 11:40PM CDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
Sunday 10PM, 20 October 11:40PM CDT 1-06 Dalek
Sunday 10:45PM CDT DWC 1-06 The Daleks

21 October 10PM, 27 October 11:40PM CDT 1-07 The Long Game
21 October 10:45PM CDT DWC 1-07 The Dark Side
28 October 10PM CDT, 4 November 10PM, 10 November 11:40PM CST 1-08 Father's Day
28 October 10:45PM CDT, 4 November 10PM CST DWC 1-08 Time Trouble
11 November 10PM, 17 November 11:30PM CST 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
11 November 10:45PM, Late 17 November 12:15AM CST DWC 1-09 Special Effects
18 November 10PM CST 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
18 November 10:45PM CST DWC 1-10 Weird Science Of Doctor Who
Louisiana Public Broadcasting
analog 13,18,24,24,25,27 digital .1
Shreveport DirecTV 24
Shreveport Dish 24,7021
Baton Rouge DirecTV 27
Baton Rouge Dish 27,8046
Lafayette DirecTV 24
Lafayette Dish 24,8488
Monroe Dish 13,7814
Friday 10PM CDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
Friday 11:15PM CDT DWC 1-10 Weird Science Of Doctor Who

26 October 10PM CDT 1-11 Boom Town
26 October 10:45PM CDT DWC 1-11 Unsung Heroes and Violent Death
WMVS/WMVT-DT Milwaukee, WI
analog 10 digital 36.1
Milwaukee DirecTV 10,946
Milwaukee Dish 10,7076
Saturday 11PM CDT 1-08 Father's Day
Saturday 11:45PM CDT DWC 1-08 Time Trouble

20 October 11PM CDT 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
20 October 11:45PM CDT DWC 1-09 FX
27 October 11PM CDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
27 October 11:45PM CDT DWC 1-10 Weird Science Of Doctor Who
3 November 11PM CDT 1-11 Boom Town
3 November 11:45PM CDT DWC 1-11 Unsung Heroes and Violent Death
10 November 11PM CST 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
10 November 11:45PM CST DWC 1-12 The World of Who
17 November 11PM CST 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
17 November 11:45PM CST DWC 1-13 The Last Battle
Wisconsin Public TV
analog 28,38,21,31,20 digital .1
Green Bay DirecTV 38
Green Bay Dish 38,9336
Madison DirecTV 21
Madison Dish 21,7286
La Crosse-Eau Claire DirecTV 31
La Crosse-Eau Claire Dish 31,7726
Wassau DirecTV 20
Wassau Dish 20,7216
Saturday 10PM CDT 1-06 Dalek
Saturday 10:45PM CDT DWC 1-06 The Daleks
20 October - pre-empted by College Hockey game
KTWU Topeka, KS
analog 11 digital .2
Topeka DirecTV 11
Topeka Dish 11,7397
Saturday 8:30PM CDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
20 October 8:30PM CDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
27 October 8:30PM CDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
10 November 8:30PM CST 1-06 Dalek
17 November 8:30PM CST 1-07 The Long Game
24 November 8:30PM CST 1-08 Father's Day
Ozark Public TV Springfield/Joplin, MO
analog 21,26 digital .1
Springfield DirecTV 21
Springfield Dish 21,7226
Joplin Dish 26,7873
Saturday 9:30PM and Midnight CDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
20 October 9:30PM and Midnight CDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
KLRU Austin, TX
analog 18 digital .2
Austin DirecTV 18,907
Austin Dish 18,8256
Saturday 11PM CDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
Thursday 10PM, 20 October 11PM CDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt
2 of 2
25 October 10PM, 27 October 11PM CDT 1-01 Rose (3rd Cycle Begins)
1 November 10PM, 3 November 11PM CDT 1-02 The End Of The World
8 November 10PM, 10 November 11PM CST 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
15 November 10PM, 17 November 11PM CST 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1
of 2
22 November 10PM, 24 November 11PM CST 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of
29 November 10PM CDT 1-06 Dalek
KLRU 2 Austin, TX (Cable)
Thursday 11PM CDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
episodes airing the week after the KLRU regular broadcasts
Prairie Public TV North Dakota
analog 13,3,6,9,4,19,2 digital .2, 16.2, 25.2
Fargo DirecTV 13
Fargo Dish 13,7418
Bismarck Dish 3,7970
Friday 10PM CDT/9PM MDT 1-11 Boom Town
26 October 10PM CDT/9PM MDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 2 of 2
South Dakota Public Broadcasting
analog 2,23,9,11 digital .2
Sioux Falls DirecTV 23
Sioux Falls Dish 23,9236
Rapid City Dish 9,7984
Saturday 10:03PM CDT/9:03PM MDT, Sunday 4:03AM CDT/3:03AM MDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
20 October 10PM CDT/9PM MDT, 21 October 4AM CDT/3AM MDT 1-01 Rose (3rd Cycle Begins)
KSPS Spokane, WA
analog 7 digital .2
Spokane DirecTV 7
Spokane Dish 7,9176
Saturday 11PM PDT/Midnight MDT 1-11 Boom Town
20 October 11PM PDT/Midnight MDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
Oregon Public Broadcasting
analog 10,28,13,3,7
No digital simulcast.
Portland DirecTV 10,947
Portland Dish 10,8676
Eugene DirecTV 28
Eugene Dish 28,7186
Sunday 5PM and 3AM PDT 1-11 Boom Town
Sunday 5:45PM and 3:45AM PDT DWC 1-11 Unsung Heroes and Violent Death
Thursday 11PM and 2AM,
21 October 5PM and 3AM PDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
Thursday 11:45PM and 2:45AM,
21 October 5:45PM and 3:45AM PDT DWC 1-12 The World of Who
25 October 11PM and 2AM, 28 October 5PM and 3AM PDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
25 October 11:45PM and 2:45AM, 28 October 5:45PM and 3:45AM PDT DWC 1-13 The Last Battle (Doctor Who leaves schedule at this point, 2 Cycles remain)
Southern Oregon (Medford/Klamath Falls) Public TV
analog 8,22 digital .2
Medford DirecTV 8
Medford Dish 8,7650
Thursday 10PM PDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
25 October 10PM PDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
KTEH San Jose, CA
analog 54 digital .2
San Francisco DirecTV 54,903
San Francisco Dish 54,8234
Saturday 10PM PDT 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
Saturday 10:45PM PDT DWC 1-09 FX
Saturday 11PM, Thursday 7PM PDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
Saturday 11:45PM, Thursday 7:45PM PDT DWC 1-10 Weird Science Of Doctor Who

20 and 25 October - pre-empted by pledge programming
KVPT Fresno, CA
analog 18 digital .1
Fresno DirecTV 18
Fresno Dish 18,8971
Saturday 11PM PDT 1-08 Father's Day
Saturday 11:45PM PDT DWC 1-08 Time Trouble

20 October - pre-empted by pledge programming
SERIES 1 - 3rd Cycle:
WMFE Orlando, FL
analog 24 digital .1 (except 1AM-7AM)
Orlando DirecTV 24,948
Orlando Dish 24,8276
Saturday 11PM EDT 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
Saturday 11:45PM EDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2

20 October 11PM EDT 1-11 Boom Town
20 October 11:45PM EDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
WILL Champaign/Urbana, IL
analog 12 digital .1
Champaign DirecTV 12
Chicago Dish 12,7407
Peoria, IL - cable station
Saturday 10:35PM CDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
Saturday 11:20PM CDT DWC 1-05 Why on Earth?
Sunday 6PM, 20 October 10:25PM CDT 1-06 Dalek
Sunday 6:46PM, 20 October 11:11PM CDT DWC 1-06 The Daleks

21 October 6PM CDT 1-07 The Long Game
21 October 6:45PM CDT DWC 1-07 The Dark Side
analog 11, 32, 27, 12, 36, 21, 32, 24, 36
No digital simulcast.
Des Moines DirecTV 11,474
Des Moines Dish 11,9116
Cedar Rapids DirecTV 12
Cedar Rapids Dish 11,9161
Omaha DirecTV 32
Omaha Dish 11,9146
Sioux City Dish 27,7195
Quad Cities DirecTV 36
Quad Cities Dish 36,7607
Rochester, MN DirecTV 24,904
Rochester, MN Dish 11,8247
Saturday 11:05PM CDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
Saturday 11:50PM CDT DWC 1-04 I Get A Side-Kick Out Of You
Late Saturday 12:05AM CDT State of Decay pts 3+4 of 4

Classic Season 18, Episodes 15 and 16. Doctor: Tom Baker.
20 October 11:05PM CDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
20 October 11:48PM CDT DWC 1-05 Why on Earth?
Late 20 October 12:05AM CDT Classic 18.05 Warriors' Gate pts 1+2
27 October 11:05PM CDT 1-06 Dalek
27 October 11:50PM CDT DWC 1-06 The Daleks
Late 27 October 12:05AM CDT Classic 18.05 Warriors' Gate pts 3+4
3 November 11:05PM CDT 1-07 The Long Game
3 November 11:49PM CDT DWC 1-07 The Dark Side
Late 3 November 12:05AM CDT Classic 18.06 The Keeper of Traken pts 1+2
10 November 11:05PM CST 1-08 Father's Day
10 November 11:50?PM CST DWC 1-08 Time Trouble
Late 10 November 12:05AM CST Classic 18.06 The Keeper of Traken pts 3+4
17 November 11:05PM CST 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
17 November 11:46PM CST DWC 1-09 FX
Late 17 November 12:05AM CST Classic 18.07 Logopolis pts 1+2
24 November 11:05PM CST 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
24 November 11:47PM CST DWC 1-10 Weird Science Of Doctor Who
Late 24 November 12:05AM CST Classic 18.07 Logopolis pts 3+4
OETA Oklahoma
analog 13,11,3 digital .1
Oklahoma City, OK DirecTV 13
Oklahoma City, OK Dish 13,8896
Tulsa, OK DirecTV 11
Tulsa, OK Dish 11,8926
Friday 10:24PM CDT 1-01 Rose (3rd Cycle Begins)
26 October 10:24PM CDT ??
KUED/KUES-DT/KUEW-DT Salt Lake City/St. George, UT
analog 7 digital .1, 19.1, 18.1
Salt Lake City DirecTV 7,982
Salt Lake City Dish 7,8536
Sunday 4PM MDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
21 October 4PM MDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 (last episode scheduled - missing in November!!!)
Idaho Public TV
analog 4,10,13,26 digital .1
Boise DirecTV 4
Boise Dish 4,7141
Idaho Falls Dish 10,7746
Twin Falls Dish 13,8807
Spokane, WA DirecTV 26
Spokane, WA Dish 26,9178
Saturday 11PM MDT/10PM PDT 1-06 Dalek
20 October 11PM MDT/10PM PDT 1-07 The Long Game
27 October 11PM MDT/10PM PDT 1-08 Father's Day
3 November 11PM MDT/10PM PDT 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
10 November 11PM MDT/10PM PDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
17 November 11PM MDT/10PM PDT 1-11 Boom Town
24 November 11:01PM MDT/10:01PM PDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
KOCE Huntington, CA
analog 50 digital .2
Los Angeles DirecTV 50,956
Los Angeles Dish 50,8013
Saturday 11:39PM PDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
(special time, no 2nd episode)
Off schedule after this point. KOCE has the right to air Series 1 a final time before February 28, 2009.
SERIES 1 - 4th Cycle:
WLVT Allentown, PA
analog 39 digital .1
Philadelphia DirecTV 39,910
Late Saturday Midnight EDT 1-07 The Long Game
Late Saturday 12:45AM EDT 1-08 Father's Day

Late 20 October Midnight EDT 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
Late 20 October 12:45AM EDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
Late 27 October Midnight EDT 1-11 Boom Town
NOT CURRENTLY AIRING NEW SERIES - Still Has Series 1 Broadcast Rights:
WLIW Long Island, NY
analog 21 digital .1
New York City DirecTV 21,887
New York City Dish 21,8112
WLIW has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
WSKG/WSKA Binghamton/Elmira, NY
analog 46,30 digital .2
WSKG has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
analog 54 digital .1
Erie Dish 54,7047
WQLN has the right to air Series 1 another 2 times before February 28, 2009.
MPT Maryland
analog 22, 67, 31, 28, 62, 36 digital .1
DC/Hagerstown, Baltimore DirecTV 22,973
Baltimore Dish 22,8736
Late Saturday Midnight-1:30AM EDT The Sun Makers movie
Classic Season 15, Episodes 13 through 16. Doctor: Tom Baker.
MPT jumps back to the middle of Tom Baker's era.
Late 20 October Midnight-1:30AM EDT Classic 15.05 Underworld
Late 27 October Midnight-2:25AM EDT Classic 15.06 The Invasion of Time

MPT Maryland has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
Georgia Public Broadcasting
analog 8, 18, 9, 14, 20, 29, 8 digital .1
Atlanta DirecTV 8,981
Atlanta Dish 8,8306
Jacksonville, FL Dish 8,9058
Chattanooga, TN DirecTV 18
Chattanooga, TN Dish 8,7336
Savannah DirecTV 9
Savannah Dish 8,7486
Augusta DirecTV 20
Augusta Dish 8,7706
Macon DirecTV 29
Macon Dish 8,7882
Albany 8,7672
Georgia Public Broadcasting has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
WCET Cincinnati, OH
analog 48 digital .1
Cincinnati DirecTV 48,909
Cincinnati Dish 48,8356
Saturday 10:30PM EDT Underworld pts 1+2 of 4
Classic Season 15, Episodes 17 through 18. Doctor: Tom Baker.
20 October 10:30PM EDT Classic 15.05 Underworld pts 3+4 of 4
WCET has the right to air Series 1 another 2 times (last 2 episodes 3 times) before February 28, 2009.
WTVP Peoria, IL
analog 47 digital .1
Peoria DirecTV 47
Peoria Dish 47,7756
WTVP has the right to air Series 1 another 2 times before February 28, 2009.
KERA Dallas, TX
analog 13 digital .1
Dallas DirecTV 13,889
Dallas, Sherman Dish 13,8406
Tyler Dish 13,8886
KERA has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
KUHT Houston, TX
analog 8 digital .1
Houston DirecTV 8,945
Houston Dish 8,8376
KUHT has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
KACV Amarillo, TX
analog 2 digital .1
Amarillo DirecTV 2
Amarillo Dish 2,7683
KACV has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
NET Nebraska
analog 12,29,3,7,9,12,13,19,26 digital .1
Omaha DirecTV 26
Omaha Dish 26,9147
Lincoln DirecTV 29
Lincoln Dish 12,7556
Sioux City, IA Dish 27,7195
NET has the right to air Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways 3 times, and the rest of Series 1 another 2 times before February 28, 2009.
Rocky Mountain PBS (Colorado)
analog 6,8,18 digital .1, 20.1
Denver DirecTV 6,911
Denver Dish 6,8206
Colorado Springs DirecTV 8
Colorado Springs Dish 8,9071
Grand Junction Dish 18,7571
Rocky Mountain PBS has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA
analog 28, 15, 65 digital .1
Seattle DirecTV 28,970
Seattle Dish 28,8620
Saturday 7PM and Midnight PDT Pyramids of Mars pts 3+4 of 4
Classic Season 13, Episodes 11 through 12. Doctor: Tom Baker.
20 October 7PM and Midnight PDT Classic 13.04 The Android Invasion pts 1+2
27 October 7PM and Midnight PDT Classic 13.04 The Android Invasion pts 3+4

KBTC/KCKA has the right to air New Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
KLCS Los Angeles, CA
analog 58 digital .1
Los Angeles DirecTV 58,964
Los Angeles Dish 58,8012
KLCS has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times before February 28, 2009.
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care.
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2007.